Al-Barakah Charity Trust

Maryam Girls Teachers Training College

Al -Barakah Charity Trust has also established Maryam Girls Teachers Training College at Likala Village in Mangochi District. The college that is managed and further developed by Bilal Trust provides training for T2 Teachers and takes 130 boarding students every year. The College is approved and certified by Government.  The college is unique because in the history of Muslim Education in Malawi, it is the first time Muslims have built and are running a Teachers Training College to compliment Government efforts in reducing the shortage of teachers.

Al-Barakah Charity Trust

Education, Relief & Health ACT is a faith based non-governmental organization that was registered in the year 2001 with a mission to complement government, other NGOs and individuals efforts in the provision of social services to the community in Malawi with emphasis on education, health and relief.