Al-Barakah Charity Trust

Admission of Students into Universities

Alhamdulillah, with the Will of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala), in the year 2010, 57 students from Assalam Complex made it to Universities. Out of these 57 students, 3 from Assalam Boys Secondary School were selected to pursue their studies to the University of Malawi, 32 students to Zanzibar University.

Further, 20 students from Assalam Muallim Training Institute were admitted to pursue their education at International University of Africa in Sudan and 2 to University of Madina in Saud Arabia

Al-Barakah Charity Trust

Education, Relief & Health ACT is a faith based non-governmental organization that was registered in the year 2001 with a mission to complement government, other NGOs and individuals efforts in the provision of social services to the community in Malawi with emphasis on education, health and relief.